[UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (2024)

    [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (3)

    • Mirko935
    • 6. November 2015

    Das Forum befindet sich im reduzierten Betrieb. Die Addon- und Supportforen bleiben weiterhin verfügbar.
    Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.

      • 11. November 2015


        It just means vehicle.

        But I have the same problem (no wheels, no "Faltbelag" and no Dashbord) have you got a fix for that?


        o530gfl fan

        (sry. for my bad english. I'm in the 8. grade so... )

        • 11. November 2015

          Thanks for the translation.

          Unfortunately, I didn't have any similar problems. So, the same question for you, could you check if you have the latest version of the original buses on the link from my previous post and try to delete them, redownload and install them again and then install my mod? Some people have said they had such problems with older versions of those buses. I would try myself, but I can't find any older versions anywhere.

          • 11. November 2015

            ok thanks I will check it ....


            o530gfl fan

            • 12. November 2015

              I have the newest Download of it.

              • 12. November 2015

                I would try to do that, but unfortunately, all seats and their arrangement are in the same 3d model, as far as I know, and, obviously, the seating arrangement is not the same in solo and in gelenk bus (of course, the gelenk bus also has a part of those seats in the model for the trailer part). Plus, o3d files are not editable, so it would be necessary to create a new model. I never used Blender, so at this point I don't even know how to make models. Maybe some day I get into modeling as well, but for now, sorry, but I don't know how to do it.

                Air conditioner was simple because there already was a model for it on the gelenk bus so I just put that one on solo (or small bus, as you call it

                [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (4)


                Did you try reinstalling it? Maybe you have some other mod for these buses that's making problems?

                Sorry for asking again, but are you sure that your buses are from Paket 2/2 from this link: http://omsi-webdisk.de/index.php?page=EntryFiles&entryID=481?
                If it is this one (http://www.omsi2mods.com/man-lions-city-g-omsi-2/) or any other older version, it apparently can't work.

                If it is the newest one, could you please post your logfile or something? Maybe then I could see what's happening.

                [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (5)

                • 12. November 2015

                  OK but am ever impressed by the work they have made are now seeing the buses partly exactly like the ride with us when we are 4 versions of the buses plus the 15m Bus

                  • 12. November 2015


                    fixed IBIS staying on if you turn off electricity when it's on ticket selling screen. Also, changed IBIS so that delay is marked with plus. I'm not sure how it should be, but this way seems more logical to me and, if I'm not mistaken, this is the way that it is on all the other buses

                    Payment machines in the buses typically have separate power switches in real life, especially in the ones with vehicle tracking feature.

                    • 12. November 2015

                      @erkinalp: What you say certainly makes perfect sense, but the problem is that it was set so that only a part of the screen would stay on (take a look at the screenshots in spoiler) and the buttons didn't actually work, which suggested to me that someone merely forgot to link the model of that part of the screen to electricity as all the other parts were.

                      It would probably be best if there was a separate power switch for the IBIS machine, as you say there should be, but since there isn't I think this is just as logical a solution as making it always-on or linking it to some random switch or variable.

                      @SheldonCooper300: There is a 15 m version of this bus? Where?

                      Btw, has anyone tried playing with my new IBIS script? Are there any problems?

                      • 13. November 2015

                        Sorry, dein Englisch ist ein bisschen schwer zu verstehen, wie mein Deutsch.

                        [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (6)

                        Ich dachte dass du wollte sagen dass es ein 15 m Lion's City für OMSI gibt.

                        Aber viele Danke für das wunderschönes Foto.

                        [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (7)

                        • 13. November 2015

                          [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (8)

                          Nicht jeder kann zwei oder drei Sprachen sehr gut beherrschen

                          [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (9)

                          Aber ich konnte es verstehen was du vorhin geschrieben hast
                          Wenn ich von ein MAN Lion's City L für omsi 2 geschrieben habe dann hätte ich auch geschrieben das er für omsi2 ist

                          • 13. November 2015

                            Der sieht ja nicht schlecht aus werde den mal aus probieren wie er al Beta ist
                            Aber jetzt wirklich genug

                            [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (12)

                            • 20. November 2015

                              Hi, all!

                              I'm fixing some little problems with kneeling at the moment, so I thought that I might make an option for automatic kneeling. Would anyone be interested in that?

                              • 27. November 2015

                                I see this is a very chatty audience

                                [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (13)

                                Anyway, here is the promised update, version 1.1.


                                • kneeling no longer lifts left wheels (see pictures)
                                • deactivating kneeling doesn't release station brakes automatically
                                • auto-kneeling option
                                • fixed suspension auto-leveling
                                • fixed suspension and brakes of rear axle on LC G, now it behaves like an air suspension and isn't set to a constant force
                                • increased number of passenger standing places (from mod by OMNI Bus Sound Garage. Link to mod)
                                • IBIS fix

                                Auto-kneeling is made to behave similarly to LC DD from X10 addon. It is configurable via *.cti variable "autoKneel" in cm from 0 to 8, i.e. if you want the bus to lower by 3 cm upon door opening, put this in your *.cti:


                                1. [setvar]
                                2. autoKneel
                                3. 3

                                Pressing the kneeling button lowers the bus by 8 cm. I use kneeling sounds from X10 addon so the sound *.cfg files are configured for those, but I won't share the sound files because of copyright. If you have that addon, simply copy "kneel_down.wav", "kneel_down_a.wav", "kneel_down_start.wav" and "kneel_up.wav" to bus sound folders. If you want to use some other sounds, copy them and rename them accordingly. You can just use "kneel_down.wav" and "kneel_up.wav".


                                Kneeling fix (first picture from original buses, second picture with my mod):

                                LC G suspension fix (first picture from original buses, second picture with my mod) (picture with no air pressure in suspension, i.e. when placing new bus)

                                Standing places mod:

                                Please report any problems.

                                Have fun!

                                [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (14)

                                Download links:
                                Whole mod 1.1
                                Update 1.1 (use this only if you already have V1.0 of my mod installed

                                • 10. Dezember 2015

                                  Thanks you, for this mod.
                                  Where you have to change something in the file so that he kneelt deeper in the kneeling stage 3 [DD X10]?
                                  Sorry for my bad English. The penultimate sentence is from Google Translate.

                                  • 11. Dezember 2015

                                    Kannst du bitte auch den Originaltext schreiben, wenn du mit Google Translate übersetzt? Google Translate manchmal ändert die Bedeutung zu viel oder macht einen sinnlosen Satz. Deshalb verstehe ich dich jetzt nicht.

                                    [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (15)

                                    Could you please also write the original text when you translate with Google Translate? Google Translate sometimes changes the meaning too much or makes a meaningless sentence. That's why I don't understand you now.

                                    [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (16)

                                    Onto the part which I can't write in German...

                                    [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (17)

                                    What do you mean by deeper? It is set to kneel 8 cm as in the real world. If you want, you can change it in the bremse script, but I'm not sure if it would make sense. Look for this:

                                    Linien 9 und 14 dieses Codes setzen der Kneelinghöhe in meter.
                                    The lines 9 and 14 in this code are what determines the change in height, in meters. So if you want kneeling to lower by 12 cm instead of 8 cm when you press the kneel_down button, you need to write "0.12 s0" instead of "0.08 s0". The line with autoKneel variable does the same, but it first takes the variable that you set in cti file and divides it by 100 to get meters from centimeters.

                                    If you are asking about changing the kneeling height on the LC DD from X10 addon, then open its cockpit script and look for s.l.kneel_setpoint and s.l.kneel_istpoint variables. As far as I see you can just change "-0.07 (S.L.kneel_setpoint)" in that script to a different value and it should work.

                                    Ich hoffe, dass ich deine Frage beantwortet habe.
                                    I hope that I answered your question.

                                    Btw, I made an error in the scripts so (especially the solo) bus can sometimes get stuck and the ride height isn't always proper on all axles.
                                    Please update with one of these files. Thank you.

                                    [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (18)

                                    There is nothing new in this version, just some improvement to kneeling and suspension behaviour.
                                    Version 1.15:
                                    MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15
                                    Update V1.15 (use this only if you already have my mod installed)

                                    • 11. Dezember 2015

                                      Where I can Disable The Warningsound on the 1Door?

                                      [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (19)


                                    [UPDATE] MAN Lion's City NG363 and NL323 V1.15 (mods and fixes for Lion's City from Mainz map) NEW: IBIS fix, suspension fix, kneeling fix, auto-kneeling, extended passenger standing places - Marcels OMSI-Forum (2024)
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